SEC Form 17-A (Annual Report)

2021 Audited Financial Statements

2021 Audited Combined Carved-out Financial Statements

2022 SEC Form 17-A (Annual Report)

2022 SEC Form 17-A (Annual Report) - Annex - Sustainability Report

2023 SEC Form 17-A (Annual Report)

SEC Form 17-Q (Quarterly Report)

Q2 2022 Quarterly Report

Q3 2022 Quarterly Report

Q1 2023 Quarterly Report

Q2 2023 Quarterly Report

Q3 2023 Quarterly Report

Q1 2024 Quarterly Report

SEC Form 17-C (Current Report)

SEC Form 20-IS (Information Statement)

Definitive Information Statement

2023 Preliminary Information Statement

2023 Definitive Information Statement

2024 Preliminary Information Statement

2024 Definitive Information Statement

General Information Sheet

General Information Statement 2022

General Information Statement 2023

General Information Statement 2024

SEC Form 23-A/B (Statement of Beneficial Ownership)

SEC Form 23-A

Notice of Annual or Special Stockholders' Meetings

Notice of Meeting and Agenda for ASM 2022

Notice of Meeting and Agenda for ASM 2023

Notice of Meeting and Agenda for ASM 2024

Minutes of all General or Special Stockholders' Meetings

2021 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Stockholders

2022 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Stockholders

2023 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Stockholders

2024 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Stockholders

Dividends Declaration

Q2 2022 - Cash Dividends Declaration

Q3 2022 - Cash Dividends Declaration

Q4 2022 - Cash Dividends Declaration

Q1 2023 - Cash Dividends Declaration

Q2 2023 - Cash Dividends Declaration

Q3 2023 - Cash Dividends Declaration

Q4 2023 - Cash Dividends Declaration

Q1 2024 - Cash Dividends Declaration

Other Disclosures to SEC, PSE and Other Pertinent Agencies

Reinvestment Plan Progress Report - as of June 30, 2022

Reinvestment Plan Progress Report - as of Sept 30, 2022

Reinvestment Plan Progress Report - as of Dec 31, 2022

Reinvestment Plan Progress Report - as of Mar 31, 2023

Reinvestment Plan Progress Report - as of Jun 30, 2023

Reinvestment Plan Progress Report - as of Sep 30, 2023

Reinvestment Plan Progress Report - as of Oct 16, 2023 - Final Report

Results of ASM 2022

Results of ASM 2023

Results of ASM 2024